Secure Access for Public Libraries

All services are provided by Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. We provide this web site as part of our ongoing services to Libraries. This information is used in conjunction with other Counting Opinions' services but is no way used to solicit information from public libraries for marketing or sales activities. The location information is used in conjunction with other services including qualitative customer feedback and quantitative performance management services.  The information enables support of secure access accounts for each location, display of scatter maps and other GIS applications.  Should you wish to find out more about our other services, please feel free to visit our web site.

Custom Maps and Branch Locator for your Web Site
It's Simple and it's Free!

  1. Go to Google Interactive Map
  2. Select your Central or Branch Library location by clicking on the appropriate marker on the map
  3. In the pop-up window, click the [Map] link. This link takes you to a web page featuring the details for the selected Library Location(s)
  4. Copy-and-paste the URL for this page into your website.

An alternate to step 3. above is to select the [Custom URLs] link in the pop-up window to get a list of all the URL links for your Public Library locations. Then you can email the links to yourself or your web master, or simply copy the links for use on your web site.

For Libraries with multiple locations, your custom map features a search by zip/postal capability, enabling users to find your nearest location within a selected radius.

We are are very interested in your feedback. Please let us know how we can make these services easier to use or integrate into your own web sites.

Updating Information about Your Public Library

A last updated date is reset and available to users, so they will know when your information was last changed.  If a Library location is temporarily closed, you can update the information and add a note indicating the closure and scheduled re-opening dates (if known).

If you need to [Add], [Delete] or [Update] a location or re-assign a location to another library system, you will need to obtain a secure access code, enabling these types of updates.  If you are interested in using this feature, please contact us about obtaining a secure access account for your Library.

Other Services

Please visit the Counting Opinions web site for information about our complete range of Performance Management services.

Version 1.1

Register Online

An online account is required to access the secure Public Library Information Update service. Registered users can also sign-up for automatic email notification.

Custom Interactive Maps

Follow the simple 4 step process to access interactive maps that you can place on your web site.

Your Feedback

Please let us know what you like about this service and what improvements would be helpful.

Accuracy of Library Locations

For the most part, the locations of the libraries on the map is fairly accurate.  There are several reasons why there may be inaccuracies in the original data.  For the most part, the inaccuracies are often more pronounced in rural areas, but some of the same problems occur no matter the location, because the original source data was either incorrect or incomplete.

Helping Make it More Accurate

We provide an [Update] capability for each library location. Using this interface, you can easily update the exact location of a library using the interactive map.  The Google Maps version supports Satellite and Hybrid views that work especially well in Urban locations, in that you can often see the exact library building, enabling pin-point accuracy.

Why is my Library Location Wrong?

The accuracy of the data is in large part is a direct result of the quality of the data from our sources.  We use geo-coding services that use provided street addresses and/or postal codes to identify each location on the map.  Although in some instances a Postal Code may represent a small area geographically, geo-coding works better when a physical address is provided, rather than a mailing address.

The original data contained many postal addresses only, especially for rural libraries. In those instances, the automatic geo-coding may not be that accurate.

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