
This site was developed by Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd.

The content on this site is maintained by several sources. Data was originally obtained from two primary sources. The data for the Public Libraries in the USA was obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics ( and the data for the Public Libraries in Canada was obtained from the OLAStore (  Since then (1995), many sources have provided updates to the content. This includes State and Provincial Library systems and other organizations including individual Libraries.

To protect the privacy of individuals at a library, we have endeavoured to remove any personal email addresses and names of contacts at each Library that were originally obtained from other public sources.  Libraries are encouraged to provide generic email addresses and links to their web sites so that patrons and the public may find additional information about your services.

If you have information about a Public Library that you would like to see changed or added to this site, then let us know

Let your local library know about this site. This site provides a facility enabling Public Libraries to keep their information up-to-date.

We encourage Libraries to update their own information on this site, or let us know what changes are required and we are happy to update the information on your behalf.  Public Libraries should follow the for public libraries link on this site to find out more about using and updating the information about their Public Library.  A last updated date is provided to the public, so they have a sense of the currency of the information.

Register Online

An online account is required to access and update information about a Public Library. Registered users can also sign-up for automatic email notification.

Custom Interactive Maps

Public Libraries can follow the simple 4 step process to access custom interactive maps for use on their web site.

Your Feedback

Please let us know what you like about this service and what improvements would be helpful.
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